Inside this time capsule I have left a few thing that you might find helpful. The knife cooks any fish you hit so it's safe to eat. The ion power cell holds 5 times the charge of a regular Battery. The laser cutter can let you through to explore inside some rooms, and the depth ...
050-TimeCapsuleScanner 时间胶囊扫描 当附近有时间胶囊时会进行提醒---原版载具相关029-BetterVehicleStorage 载具存储强化模块 新增四个等级的载具储物模块强化版,提供至多80个储物格。030-AttitudeIndicator 载具姿态仪 为海蛾号与独眼巨人号添加姿态仪,可以显示目前与水平面的差031-GrapplingArmUpgrade_BepInEx 海虾号...