界面、功能性代码 1、ITEM [NAME] [NUMBER] 免费得到得到物品。NAME为物品名称,NUMBER为物品数量 范例:得到小刀3把:ITEM KNIFE 3 2、SPAWN [NAME] [NUMBER] 生成1个载具或者生物。 范例:生成海蛾号1艘:SPAWN SEAMOTH 1 生成利维坦15只:SPAWN ReaperLeviathan 15 3、SUB CYCLOPS 在玩家面前生成1艘潜艇 4、NOD...
Below is a searchable list of all Subnautica item IDs with item codes, spawn codes and unlock codes. Codes in this list are for both PC (Steam), Mac and XBOX One. Type the name of an item into the search bar to instantly search for a specific code. SCUM Item IDs Stardew Valley Item...
itemitem [item name] [amount]This command can be used to spawn items into your inventory, relative to the provided item name and amount. clearinventoryclearinventoryThis command completely clears your inventory - everything in it will be deleted (forever). ...
Our Subnautica: Below Zero Cheats List and Commands Guide has a bunch of cheats and commands you can use to play around or get more out of Below Zero! We'll teach you how to activate and use the console, and list commands that will remove survival features, spawn in items and vehicles,...
public void ParseFile(Int3 batchId, string pathPrefix, string suffix, List<EntitySpawnPoint> spawnPoints) { Optional<string> subnauticaPath = SteamHelper.FindSubnauticaPath(); if (subnauticaPath.IsEmpty()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not locate subnautica root"); } string path ...
[Nitrox] D: Using default packet processor for: [MedicalCabinetClicked guid: escapePodMedFab0 DoorOpen: True HasMedKit: True NextSpawnTime: 480,1002] and player 1 [Nitrox] D: Using default packet processor for: [Pickup Item - ItemPosition: (-114,6, 1,1, -325,5) Guid: 6b9ac724-...
1、ITEM [NAME] [NUMBER] 免费得到得到物品。NAME为物品名称,NUMBER为物品数量 范例:得到小刀3把:ITEM KNIFE 3 2、SPAWN [NAME] [NUMBER] 生成1个载具或者生物。 范例:生成海蛾号1艘:SPAWN SEAMOTH 1 生成利维坦15只:SPAWN ReaperLeviathan 15 3、SUB CYCLOPS ...