新载具 sea t..新载具 sea truck相当于货船之类的存在 采用模块化设计 有车头和车厢 类似于火车每一截都是一个小房间 自带电源 人工拉拼凑 可以放东西在里面 每个房间都有一个工作台这个以前有人说是
Seatruck Upgrades Three new additions to The Seatruck are now available; The Sleeper Module, the Docking Module, and the Perimeter Upgrade. Follow Below Zero development You can find out about upcoming updates in all sorts of ways. Sign up to theDevelopment Newsletterto receive word every time ...
几个不重要的小消息S..几个不重要的小消息Sea Truck - by Cory Strader图一,这个“海中卡车”的外形已经敲定图二的六种(多)生物被承认为废案图三四分别被称为ShallowCrystal Caves(浅