The Sea Dragon can deal massive damage so be cautious around it. Subnautica All Leviathans – Sea Emperor The Sea Emperor is the largest Leviathan. It comes in Adult, Juvenile, and Baby sizes. The Adult can be found in the Primary Containment Facility Aquarium. The Juveniles can be found in...
研究人员发现当地的一种利维坦生物(就是“海皇利维坦”(Sea Emperor Leviathan))具有天然对卡拉病毒的免疫,海皇利维坦会分泌一种被称为42号酶的物质,可以治愈卡拉病菌。研究人员捕获了一只(也是后来仅存的一只),关押在海面1200米以下的监狱设施里面进行研究,试图找到治愈的方法。然而由于各种原因(可能是年老或者其他疾病...
Sea Emperor Leviathan The Queen of the Ocean, this magnificent beast is the last of its kind. It is passive and won't hurt you at all. It's located in the the Primary Containment Facility. Ghost Leviathan The terror of the seas, this monster is located in two places. The Lost Ri...
Oceanic Exploration: Raft immerses players in an expansive and dynamic ocean environment. The game encourages exploration as players navigate the vast sea, discover remote islands, and uncover hidden treasures, offering a sense of adventure and curiosity similar to Subnautica. Survival and Resource Mana...