Upon surviving a plane crash, players find themselves stranded on a remote island, where they must navigate adense forestinhabited bydangerous creatures. Much like Subnautica, the Forest requires resource gathering, crafting, and strategicbase buildingto fortify against the island’s hostile inhabitants....
As we build up to the release ofSubnautica 2 (Game Preview)in 2025, we’ll be sharing even more about what to expect from the game. From new and improved tools, vehicles, and base building, to a whole host of creatures big and small, the likes of which have never been seen before!
NOTE:The Blast Foundry can only be constructed over an Iron Deposit. If you have an Extraction District built on a wood deposit, the option to place this building in the district will be disabled. Once the Blast Foundry is placed,you will make 250 Materials compared to the 200 Materialsprod...
As we build up to the release ofSubnautica 2 (Game Preview)in 2025, we’ll be sharing even more about what to expect from the game. From new and improved tools, vehicles, and base building, to a whole host of creatures big and small, the likes of which have never been seen before!
As we build up to the release ofSubnautica 2 (Game Preview)in 2025, we’ll be sharing even more about what to expect from the game. From new and improved tools, vehicles, and base building, to a whole host of creatures big and small, the likes of which have never been seen before!