导师以为你会却没人教的sci论文投稿流程 | 一、Submitted to Journal(投稿流程)注册与登录:进入期刊官网首页,打开 submit paper,以通讯作者的身份 register 一个账号,然后以 author login 身份登录按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type(选择文章类型)Enter Title(输入标题)Add/Edit/Remove Authors(添加 / 编辑 / 删...
楼上三位 正解! 不用担心 祝福楼主好运
6.revision submitted to journal 如果论文一审的结果是条件录用 / 小修 / 大修,那么就需要把修改好的...
我觉得应该是还没送二审,送二审的话应该是under review吧。3周的话,你说的第二个情况,时间不够吧...
一、Submitted to Journal(投稿流程) 注册与登录:进入期刊官网首页,打开 submit paper,以通讯作者的身份 register 一个账号,然后以 author login 身份登录按照提示依次完成:Select Article Type(选择文章类型)Enter Title(输入标题)Add/Edit/Remove Authors(添加 / 编辑 / 删除作者)Submit Abstract(提交摘要)Enter ...
例如《European Heart Journal》期刊的一篇勘误说明: 勘误需要写清楚具体的文章信息、需更正内容和正确表述。当然,也可以让编辑帮忙加一句自己的致歉:The author apologizes for this error. 除了勘误,类似的还有文章修改/增补(Changes/add...
Editor In Chief Osama Kamel Adwan Al-Baha University, Saudi Arabia Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering Tweets by IrisPublishers Welcome to theIris PublishersOnline Submission System. Please fill the required details by choosing a suitable journal of your interest acrossLife sciences,Medicine...
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Find pioneering research in BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, an open access, peer reviewed journal with 2.2 Impact Factor and 24 days to first decision. With ...
To submit press releases and story ideas to Insurance Journal for possible inclusion in our magazines and our website, please direct your submission to the appropriate editor. National Chad Hemenway – chemenway@insurancejournal.com Andrea Wells – awells@insurancejournal.com East (Mid-Atlantic and...