带有AND RETURN的SUBMIT语句开启了一个新的SAP LUW,但是注意并不会自动开启一个新的database LUW。这意味着在这个SAP LUW中使用语句 CALL FUNCTION IN UPDATE TASK或者CALL FUNCTION IN BACKGROUND TASK in the tables VB... or ARFCSSTATE and ARFCSDATA会回滚全部登记项。在某些情况下,被调用程序的ROLLBACK W...
abap submit 的使用方法 就在bw写了报表程序,然后在ecc写了一个跳转用的空壳程序,其实就是一个和bw一样的选择屏幕。 然后用rfc函数跳转到bw,执行bw的报表,展示结果。 里面用到了submit传选择屏幕的情况。 所以这里整理下集中常用的方法,因网上有一篇比较不错的文章,这里直接先粘贴过来, 1、最普通的用法 *Code...
PARAMETERS is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming.This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. PARAMETERS Basic formPARAMETERS p... INITIALIZATION (ABAP keyword) INITIALIZATION is a keyword used in SAP ABAP programming.This tutorial covers its introduction & syntax details. INITIALIZATION ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development hi Pavan, i tried this but still no data passing to my right values...any other idea which went wrong?should be the parameter im passing to the left field must be the same type to my right field? Please help.. Reply Former Member In response to ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, My z report contains following fields in selction screen. 1 . G/ L account 2. Comapny code 3. posting date 4. document type 5. layout In my z report i used following syntax for passing selection screen values to standard program and gettin...
Runtime Error: SUBMIT_IN_ITAB_ILL_STRUCTURE Cause: An attempt was made to pass a parameter that cannot be converted to the target field to the selection screen. Runtime Error: SUBMIT_PARAM_NOT_CONVERTIBLE Cause: The called program contains a syntax error. Runtime Error: SYNTAX_ERROR Co...
WITH p_aufgr = $6-aufgr WITH s_aufgr IN _6-aufgr . but the program still stuck at zffmr006a , i have to click back only it will go back to write my to code the submit syntax that it will straight away generate my output without displauing zffmr006aReply...
ABAP 在一个report里submit自身,会怎么样?(可以通过编译) 我在Windows laptop里启动了一个Ubuntu虚拟机,然后试图在该系统里再次启动另一个Linux虚拟机。 这次遇到error message:This computer doesn't have VT-X/AMD-v enabled. Enabling it in the BIOS is mandatory。
Syntax Effect This addition schedules the execution of the program accessed as abackground taskwith the numbernin thebackground requestjob. The numbernfor a background requestjobmust be filled using the function moduleJOB_OPENfrom the function group BTCH. The full program is processed in abackgr...