Without your music, our station would be silent. For that, you have our gracious thanks for your music.To be clear: submitting your music to The Justin Wayne Show and Maven.fm includes granting us broadcasting and podcasting rights of your submitted song(s) for free, waiving present and ...
Create an account and sign up to Amazing Radio and access a wealth of features. Submit music, radion submissions and access our playlists.
We will automatically reject any mp3/m4a (acc) file sent to Insane Realm Radio; that are incorrectly tagged. All Tags must be filled in correctly. US and Canadian Law Requires it.(It doesn’t matter where you are from, we are located in Canada). ...
Submit Music Thanks for your interest in delivering Hot Radio Maine its newest hit song! If you would like to submit music to Hot Radio Maine in consideration for airplay, you need to stick to the following guidelines: Only ONE song from an artist can be submitted – because only one song...
(NOTICE: Any music and/or content submitted to us is of free use to Owl Radio) Check if you are a local artist (live in Georgia). Check if interested in guest-starring on a show. Artist Agreement: I (COPYRIGHT OWNER), who either composed and/or wrote the Lyrics or has Rights to ...
music blogs One Submit curators One Submit curators One Submit music curators One Submit curators 1/4 Upload your musicand submit it to Spotify playlists, YouTube channels, TikTok influencers, blogs and radio stations. Every submissions gets a review from our organic curators, If they like your...
2020 RadioMusicDJ Chart 2019 RadioMusicDJ Chart 2018 RadioMusicDJ Chart 2017 RadioMusicAM Charts 2017 RadioMusicFM Charts 2016 RadioMusicAM Charts 2016 RadioMusicFM Charts 2015 MusicToRadio Charts 2014 MusicToRadio Charts 2013 Radio Music Week Charts ...
Submit Music to A&R, Record Labels, Radio, TV SIGN UP & RECEIVE 5 FREE UPLOAD OFFER: Enter First Name Enter Last Name Enter Email Confirm Email Create Password Verify Password Submit to 560 Listings Get Paid Up to $30K Enter $11,000 Song Contest ...
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First Name (Or Company Name)* Last Name* Email address* User Name* Password* Confirm Password* How did you hear about us? choose an optionGoogle searchGoogle AdBanner AdFriendTwitterPrint adBlogpostFacebookSome other siteMusic ConferenceContest WinnerCan't Remember How I Just Got Here ...