data:$('#myForm').serialize(), dataType:"json", error:function(data){ alert(data); }, success:function(data){ alert(data); } }); }); }) 这样的方式掩盖了form的功能,使它成为了变相的ajax。下面来看看符合form思想的ajaxForm。 ajaxForm: 先下载:
dataType:"json", error:function(data){ alert(data); }, success:function(data){ alert(data); } }); }); }) 这样的方式掩盖了form的功能,使它成为了变相的ajax。下面来看看符合form思想的ajaxForm。 ajaxForm: 先下载: 两个主要的API:ajaxForm(...
I have a MVC razor form with some fields which contains the same name as its viewModel, when user click a button ("Generate"), I need an ajax call to trigger a method of controller and submit (passing) the data user entered on the form and generate a report. Now, I have tried ...
$(this.form).ajaxSubmit({ url: "@Url.Action("Uploadfile", "UpLoadControl")", data: { "filepath": accBtn.attr("specialPath"), "fileName": accFile.attr("name"), "serverType": accBtn.attr("serverType"), "sizestyle": sizestyle }, dataType: "text", type:"POST", success: functi...
We create an example form with name, email and phone field. By using easyui form plugin we change the form to Ajax form. The form submits all the fields to the background server, the server processes and sends some data back to the front page. We receive the back data and show it ... Ajax提交用户表单和传统Form submit提交有以下重要区别: Ajax提交是浏览器在后台发送请求至服务器, 也是在后台接受到服务器返回的结果再做处理; Form submit处理是在提交数据之后, 后台返回重定向命令, 浏览器再收到...
$.ajaxSubmit.defaults.optionName=yourValue; Callbacks All callbacks are called in the context of the respective form (i.e. refer to the form usingthisinside your callbacks). Thesuccessandaftercallbacks return the server's JSON response as their first argument. ...
//clearForm: true // clear all form fields after successful submit //resetForm: true // reset the form after successful submit // $.ajax options can be used here too, for example: //timeout: 3000 }; // bind form using 'ajaxForm' ...
remote-form A function that will enable submitting forms over AJAX. The function will make a request based on the form usingwindow.fetchwith the payload encoded as URL parameters if the form method is aGETandFormDatafor all the other methods. ...
Can you directly query the db where there is JSON data using Linq? Can you return more than one partial view from a action? Can't add view in mvc Can't Debug a MVC Application Can't listen on anything but localhost (ASP MVC Framework IIS Express) Cancel/Abort Ajax request in MVC Can...