SubmitResult enumeration Other Versions Leave feedback Description The status of an operation returned by the VCS. Properties OK Submission worked. Error An error was returned. ConflictingFiles Files conflicted. UnaddedFiles Files were unable to be added. Did you find this page useful? Please give...
I tried to submit a new entry before the deadline on March 14th, but I failed to do it.I was able to complete it on time, but I noticed a couple of problems during the last minute, so I told Kuvos, organizer of js1k to cancel its release....
try: input_api.subprocess.check_output(args) return [] except input_api.subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: return [ output_api.PresubmitError(' failed:', long_text=error.output.decode( 'utf-8', 'ignore')) ...
PresubmitError(' failed.', errors.splitlines())] return [] def _CheckNoAuraWindowPropertyHInHeaders(input_api, output_api): """Makes sure we don't include ui/aura/window_property.h in header files. """ pattern ='^#include\s*"ui/aura/window_...
PresubmitError(' failed.', errors.splitlines())] return [] def _CheckNoAuraWindowPropertyHInHeaders(input_api, output_api): """Makes sure we don't include ui/aura/window_property.h in header files. """ pattern ='^#include\s*"ui/aura/window_...