certreq -submit req.csr cert.cer Vadims Podāns, akaCrypt32 My weblog:www.sysadmins.lv PowerShell PKI Module:PSPKI Check out new:SSL Certificate Verifier Check out new:ASN.1 Editortool. Monday, October 7, 2019 2:44 AM Hello, Thank you for posting in our TechNet forum. ...
We are trying to automate bulk certificate request submition and export cer fil process using script. The below command we are trying to use for submit the CSR to CA and export the CER file to a specific path. certreq -submit -attrib "Template Name" XXXX.csr XXXX.CER error...
"Error Parsing Request The request subject name is invalid or too long" when trying to create a certificate from a CSR "missing create and submit a request to this ca" is missing in the web certsrv in advanced certificate request "the certificate types are not available" - Windows 10 + Wi...