一种是用button提交。 方法一: 在jsp的前端页面的头部插入一个js方法:function checkUser(){ var result = document.getElementById("userid").value; var password = document.getElementById("userpassid").value; if(result == "" ){ alert("用户名不能为空"); return false; } if(password == ""...
form表格的写法,需要写id <form id="formid" method = 'post' action = 'user_login_submit.action' > button按钮的写法如下: <input type="button" value="" class="btn2" onclick = "checkUser();" />
form表格的写法,需要写id <form id="formid" method = 'post' action = 'user_login_submit.action' > button按钮的写法如下: <input type="button" value="" class="btn2" onclick = "checkUser();" />
form表格的写法,需要写id <form id="formid" method = 'post' action = 'user_login_submit.action' > button按钮的写法如下: <input type="button" value="" class="btn2" onclick = "checkUser();" /> 使用案例: <form id="myform" name="myform" method="post" onsubmit="return sumbitTest()...
<button id="submitBtn" onclick="submitBtnClick()">检索</button> </form> </body> 上文代码通过document选中fileForm表单,然后在调用该表单的submit方法即可实现用button按钮间接完成submit方法的功能,但说到底还是调用submit方法。 <form action="test.html" method="POST"> ...
Hi all, I have an interactive form with a submit button that i displayed online thru webdynpro for the user to key in data. And when user clicked on the submit button, i
submit button</h2> <form action="/my-handling-form-page" method="post"> <div> <label for="example">User name</label> <input id="example" type="text" name="text"> </div> <br/> <div> <input type="submit" value="Submit Form" accesskey="s"> </div> </form> </body> </...
First, as try67 says, you don't need two submit actions on the same button. I tried this form out on the exact same version of the 32 bit Reader you've shown above and both the Calendar and the Submit work without issue. This could be something to do with your local setup. Tho...
IE 中button标签的type属性默认为button。 Enter 键提交表单 Enter键是可以提交表单的!但是你可能已经注意到了,并非所有的表单都可以用Enter键来提交。来看HTML2.0 标准: When there is only one single-line text input field in a form, the user agent should accept Enter in that field as a request to ...
type类型写成submit,而在checkForm中也进行了form提交。 type=“button”和type="submit"在IE firefox 360下分别进行submit()提交和走ajax测试: 测试代码: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <body><form id="form1"method="get"><input name="username"value="zhangsan"/><br><input name="age"value="20"/><br>...