Commander Graham Bethune, U.S. Navy (retired) was flying his military plane from Iceland to Newfoundland on February 10, 1951 when he saw a UFO coming out of the water. He was about 300 miles from his destination, when he and his crew saw a glow on the water like approaching a city ...
2). Thin sections were analysed at the Archaeology Department, UWA, using a Nikon Eclipse LV100ND petrographic microscope at magnifications ranging from 2.5x to 50x, under plane polarized (PPL) and cross polarized (XPL) light, using available references (e.g. Nicosia and Stoops, 2017, ...
Four types of bursting events have been identified in the u′-w′ plane (Fig. 11), i.e., jet (u′<0, w′> 0), sweep (u′>0, w′<0), inward interaction (u′<0, w′<0), and outward interaction (u′>0, w′> 0). The jet and sweep processes in the multiscale coherent...
Oxygen profiles (n = 6) measured at the phyllosphere ofV. natans(A) andH. verticillata(B). The vertical axis (Z) showed the range of the puncture test and the platform of the object stage was set to be zero plane. Full size image ...
In this context, a wide laboratory campaign was conducted to investigate the solitary wave run-up R on a smooth slope after propagating over submerged rigid breakwaters placed on a plane flume. The aim of these experiments was to check their effectiveness in reducing this hydrodynamic process at ...
To reproduce this effect in the model, we considered the local x′–y′ plane along the bottom surface. The bottom slopes in the x′ and y′ directions were approximated as follows using the slopes in the ξ and η directions in a generalized curvilinear coordinate system under the ...
Optimisation of focused wave group runup on a plane beach. Coast. Eng. 2017, 121, 44–55. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [Green Version] Hasan, S.A.; Sriram, V.; Selvam, R.P. Numerical modelling of wind-modified focused waves in a numerical wave tank. Ocean Eng. 2018, 160, 276–...
Figure 5. Numerical results for a constant discharge of 7.079 m3/3/s—comparison of the original geometry of the surge tank (left column) with the new approach including the wall and extra excavation (right)—streamlines (upper row) and cross section at the 𝑥𝑧xz-plane (lower row). ...
The reflected light is captured by a telescope and high-framerate panchromatic focal plane array (MiDAR Receiver) with a high-performance onboard heterogenous computing stack, which creates hyperspectral images at video framerates and decodes embedded optical communications in real time [44]. MiDAR ...
LES output in the XZ plane of the EZ (dim in meters) along the experimental zone of the (A) streamwise time-averaged velocities (m s−1−1), (B) Turbulent intensities (%) and (C) TKE (m22 s−2−2). Furthermore, In Figure 13, the computed values between the two weirs ...