TeleGeography's comprehensive and regularly updated interactive map of the world's major submarine cable systems and landing stations.
Interactive submarine cable map to explore the various active and under-construction cables under the sea. Asia Africa Europe-1 (AAE-1) Baltic Sea Submarine Cable FLAG North Asia Loop (FNAL)/REACH North Asia Loop (RNAL) Finland Estonia Connection (FEC) Kingisepp-Kaliningrad System (Baltika) ...
Submarine Cable Map2023 Designed by One Thomas Circle NW, Suite 360 Washington, DC 20005, USA +1 202 741 0020 Sponsored by B7 Smart Village, K28 Cairo-Alex Desert Road Giza 12577, Egypt
Submarine Cable Map 2022 This new edition depicts 486 cable systems and 1,306 landings that are currently active or under construction. Explore the map New Builds Africa & Middle East PEACE Cable. The cable is slated to launch in early 2022 and will span 12,000 kilometers between Pakistan ...
TeleGeography's comprehensive and regularly updated interactive map of the world's major submarine cable systems and landing stations.
Interactive submarine cable map to explore the various active and under-construction cables under the sea.
TeleGeography, a telecom data company, has released the 2014 version of itsSubmarine Cable Map. The map shows 285 cable systems current in existence or due online by 2015 around the world. Fiber optic cable crosses the world’s ocean floors, serving as the backbone of the Internet. ...
海底光缆用以设立国家之间的电信传输,简单的说就是国际互联网的骨架。。。今天的这个网站直观的显示了全球海底光缆分布情况,我们可以很方便的了解每条光缆的线路以及登陆点,有兴趣的朋友可以看看! 传送门 方法 进入网站直接观看,点击每条线路都可以看到详细的情况!
Submarine Cable Map 2018 + - Sponsored by Disclaimer Credits
or expected to be built by the end of 2016. The colour of each country represents the number of international submarine cable systems connected. There is an accompanyinginteractive version of the mapwhere you can view and analyse all the details. As always the map is really beautiful...