Byline: CAITLIN MACKAYThe Mirror (London, England)
“You’ll probably think you’ve completely lost some parts of your department of internal affairs before you get rightly acquainted with your new friend Mr. Neptune,” offered Bill by way of a gentle reminder. So far the new members of the _Dewey’s_ crew had been unaffected by the terr...
He asked the navy if he could search for the R. M. S. Titanic if he met the deadline for searching for the lost sub. The search for the Titanic was a cover up story for the Scorpion because the search for the Scorpion was at that time classified. It was recently declassified Tom M...
off-the-shelf components, the loose buoys, our aborted dive, and the sub getting lost on the seafloor. But it also shows the triumphant final dive, complete with stunning video of theTitanicin all its 4K glory.