N. Korean Submarine Found Beached Off S. Korea; 11 Bodies Nearby; Massive Search Launched to Find Other CrewmenKevin Sullivan
An underwater exploration project found the submarine off the coast of Okinawa, Japan, after finding military documents with the correct coordinates to locate it. The original coordinates had been mistranslated and were missing a digit. The families of the 80 crew members who were onboard the su...
Fisher said the incident was serious because a U.S.-China shootout would likely result in the destruction of the Chinese submarine and the loss of its crew. “Even though China would have been at fault for the incident, the Chinese government would likely then use it as an excuse for ini...
Argentine President Mauricio Macri speaks alongside members of the Navy and relatives of the 44 crew members of the missing at sea ARA San Juan submarine, during a ceremony to commemorate the one year anniversary of the tragedy in Mar del Plata, Argentina November 15, 2018. [Photo: VCG/Marina...
EgyptAir has told relatives of the victims, mainly Egyptian and French nationals, that recovering and identifying bodies from the sea could take weeks. Samar Ezzedine, 27 years old and newly wed, was one of the cabin crew on flight 804. Her mother Amal has sat in the lobby of a hotel ...
“You can’t have Trident missile bodies laden with rocket fuel and nuclear warheads near a city of quarter a million people – the UK regulatory authorities would be very uncomfortable with that,” says Ritchie. Lifting missiles is also a safety risk. “There needs to be an explosive handlin...
Suddenly we all had the sensation of having been struck on the head with a hammer. For a second we lost consciousness; then we picked ourselves up from the deck, or from the corners into which we had been thrown, feeling pains in our heads, shoulders, and other parts of our bodies. ...