it was disastrous. Then he started going through my closet to see what I was planning to wear, and then decided I had to have new clothes. He asked my size–I told him that in pants or skirts, they need to have an elastic waist, and I wear a size 14. In tops I tend to be ...
’” Rome says. “I’ve got my little 20,000 followers; those motherfuckers have, like, eight million or something. I just thought it was funny. I didn’t think they’d respond. I’m like, ‘Why did those guys even respond to my little, measly tweet?’ What good did it do them...
’” Rome says. “I’ve got my little 20,000 followers; those motherfuckers have, like, eight million or something. I just thought it was funny. I didn’t think they’d respond. I’m like, ‘Why did those guys even respond to my little, measly tweet?’ What good did it do them...
’” Rome says. “I’ve got my little 20,000 followers; those motherfuckers have, like, eight million or something. I just thought it was funny. I didn’t think they’d respond. I’m like, ‘Why did those guys even respond to my little, measly tweet?’ What good did it do ...