SublimeCodeIntel为部分语言增强自动完成功能,包括了 Python 。这个插件同时也可以让你跳转到符号定义的地方,通过按住 alt 并点击符号。非常方便。 SublimeREPL允许你在编辑界面直接运行 Python 解释器。我倾向于在单独的终端窗口用bpython来运行,但有时 SublimeREPL 是很有帮助的。 GitGutter在编辑器的凹槽区,依照 Git ...
1)按ctrl+shift+p快捷键呼出一个输入框,输入Install Package,回车,在新出现的输入框里输入“SublimeREPL”并安装。 2)点击Tools → sublimeREPL → python → python run current file,这时候就会弹出一个可交互的窗口,就可以控制台输入了。
打开Sublime Text编辑器。 点击Tools -> SublimeREPL -> Python -> Python - RUN current file,这将打开一个新的REPL窗口并运行当前文件。 在新打开的REPL窗口中,点击Tools -> SublimeREPL -> Python -> Python - RUN current file,再次运行当前文件。 调试代码 现在,我们已经准备好在Sublime Text中调试Python...
The Sublime Text API has been updated to Python 3.8, while keeping backwards compatibility with packages built for Sublime Text 3. The API has been significantly expanded, adding features that allow plugins like LSP to work better than ever. Read the revamped documentationhere. ...
像下面的代码,需要从终端或cmd 下带参数运行的代码,以前Sublime Text 是不支持的。 现在只有安装这个插件InputArgs 即可。 bilalba/ 插件安装方法: Using Package Control Install this sublime text 2/3 package viaPackage Control; search for package: "InputArgs" ...
Mac: Fixed title bar text not fading when out of focus Mac: Fixed reading stdin not working when no windows are open API: Fixed plugin popups sometimes having the wrong placement API: Fixed plugins not loading when a.python-versionfile is in the User package ...
Now all that’s left to do is run your first Python code.To do this, use your terminal as you would any Python project. In the example below, we have a simple “Hello world” Python script and used Terminus to run it. Top Sublime Text Packages for Python developers ...
在Sublime Text中,按下Ctrl+Shift+P(Command+Shift+P)打开命令面板,在面板中输入SublimeREPL: Edit Build System并选择SublimeREPL: Python - Python。这样会打开一个名为Python.sublime-build的配置文件。 在配置文件中,输入以下代码: { "target": "run_existing_window_command", ...
(1)使用 [Ctrl + `] (或View > Show Console menu) 打开Sublime Text控制台,将下面的Python代码粘贴到控制台里: 代码语言:javascript 复制 importurllib.request,os,hashlib;h='7183a2d3e96f11eeadd761d777e62404'+'e330c659d4bb41d3bdf022e94cab3cd0';pf='Package Control.sublime-package';ipp=sublime....
Launch python in local or remote(1) virtualenv. Quickly run selected script or launch PDB. Use SublimeText2 Python console with history and multiline input. (1) - (ssh, linux/osx only) Screenshots Running python code in SublimeREPL