双击安装包,选好安装路径,无脑下一步 2.激活Sublime Text 4 安装完打开Sublime Text,如果弹窗需要输入授权,直接复制下面注册码黏贴点击Use License ,如果没有弹窗,点击菜单栏『Help -> Enter License』弹出激活窗口,输入下面的注册码然后点击「Use License」 Mifeng User Single User License EA7E-1184812 C0DAA9CD...
Sublime Text 4 (4121) Patcher.zip_百度网盘下载提取码: rnll Sublime Text 4 (4126) Patcher.zip_百度网盘下载提取码: td21 Sublime Text 4 (4143) Patcher.zip_百度网盘下载提取码: 4143 Sublime Text 4 (4152) Patcher.zip_百度网盘下载提取码: yida Sublime Text 4 (4169) Patcher.zip_百度网盘下载提...
MIT license GitSavvy GitSavvy is a powerful and mature plugin for Sublime Text that brings most of Git's functionalities directly into the text editor. It offers features that just come naturally when in an editor. For example, you can easily interactively stage or discard changes per hunk, per...
MIT license Spacegray A set of custom UI themes for Sublime Text. It's all about hype and minimal. Comes in different flavors with accompanyingBase16color schemes. Themes Spacegray Default flavor based on Base16 Ocean Dark color scheme.
汉化地址:https://github.com/rexdf/ChineseLocalization 注册码 — BEGIN LICENSE —– ZYNGA INC. 50 User License EA7E-811825 927BA117 84C9300F 4A0CCBC4 34A56B44 985E4562 59F2B63B CCCFF92F 0E646B83 0FD6487D 1507AE29 9CC4F9F5 0A6F32E3 ...
github激活sublime参考资料 适用于sublime Text3 4169版本。 该方法原理为修改hex码,可以直接使用Sublime Text,或者用其他的hex工具皆可。 软件界面 实现代码 import os import binascii import tkinter as tk from tkinter import filedialog,messagebox class FileProcessingApp: ...
一.下载 Sublime Text3下载 http://www.sublimetext.com/3 选择对应的版本下载即可. 二.激活 2.1 官网购买license key激活 2.2 网上查找各种别人共享的激活码或者破解插件(下面共享一个20190103亲测可用的license key) --- BEGIN LICENSE --- sgbteam Single User License EA7E-1153259 8891CBB9 F1513E4F 1A...
1、安装Sublime Text 3 及常用的神器插件 ①首先添加sublime text 3的仓库:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/sublime-text-3 根据提示按ENTER 继续,建立信任数据库 //目前测试这个命令会报错! ②再添加sublime text 3的仓库:sudo apt update
Added license date to about window Fixed hunk header expansion selecting text beneath header Fixed bug that disabled commit message editing Fixed commit message loss when stashing in certain situations Fixed commit edits failing when submodule changes are detected ...