"command":"copy_path_to_clipboard" }, // Close all other tabs { "keys": ["cmd+alt+w"], "command":"close_tabs" } ] (有删减) 译文地址:http://python.jobbole.com/81312/ 译者:伯乐在线 - Lane 你喜欢用什么编辑器码Python?
3. Chrome-like Tabsmake navigating and editing several files much simpler. 4. Automatic loading of the last sessionre-opens all files and folders you had open when you closed the editor the last time. I leave ST3 open all the time, with various projects open, so if I reset the computer...
3 设置特定语法Preferences.[Python.sublime-settings]// These settings override both User and Default settings for the Python syntax{// editor options"draw_white_space": "all",// tabs and whitespace"auto_indent": true,"rulers": [79],"smart_indent": true,"tab_size": 4,"trim_automatic_whit...
Find: Fixed find in selection option not being cleared when changing tabs Find: Selection will no longer be reset after Find All is used when finding in selection Find: Results are now properly highlighted on Find All when close_find_after_find_all is turned off Find in Files: Improved perf...
Find: Fixed find in selection option not being cleared when changing tabs Find: Selection will no longer be reset afterFind Allis used when finding in selection Find: Results are now properly highlighted onFind Allwhenclose_find_after_find_allis turned off ...
现在当你点击cmd+w时,只有一个文件会关闭,而不是整个窗口,因为你的目标是"close_file“。 收藏分享票数8 EN Stack Overflow用户 发布于 2017-07-05 21:53:52最酷的方式是:File - > Close All Tabs 收藏分享票数6 EN 页面原文内容由Stack Overflow提供。腾讯云小微IT领域专用引擎提供翻译支持 原文链接: htt...
{ "keys": ["shift+ctrl+f4"], "command": "close_all" }, { "keys": ["shift+ctrl+y"], "command": "lower_case" }, { "keys": ["shift+ctrl+x"], "command": "upper_case" } ] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
第一:也是最重要的,它占内存很小(就如同notepad++那般迅速打开,所以那款其实也不错~)。一般IDE比如WebStorm(它也是一款神器来着),Aptana(也比较常用),还有前后结合的Zend Studio 等都略显臃肿,打开太慢,耗内存太大。 第二:主题丰富,漂亮的界面。各式各样的主题可以满足你的视觉美。
// translate_tabs_to_spaces设置为true,Tab和Backspace的删除/插入作用于制表符宽度 // 否则作用于单个空格 “use_tab_stops”: true, // Set to false to disable detection of tabs vs. spaces on load // false时禁止在载入的时候检测制表符和空格 ...
So, TabsLimiter will never close any unsaved tab, nor display any alert or notification. The result is that when you've reached the tab limit, but no tab can be closed because they all contain unsaved work, a new tab will just be created, ignoring the limit....