What is the conjugation of desayunar? What is the Spanish imperfect progressive tense? What is the preterite form of poner? What is the conjugation of medir? What is the preterite form of hacer? What is the conjugation of preparar?
The present subjunctive (el presente de subjuntivo) is used to refer to the future as well as the present. Read on the learn how to use the present subjunctive in Spanish grammar. Master the conjugation, then put your knowledge to the test in the free ex
Conjunctions are subjunctive indicators when they indicate that the action of the clause that follows has not yet occurred. There are a few conjunctions that require the indicative if the verb afterqueis in a past tense because the action of the verb has already happened. If, however, the acti...
subjunctive tense el tiempo subjuntivo subjunctive mood conjuntivo · modo subjuntivo · subjuntivo imperfect subjunctive el imperfecto de subjuntivo · imperfecto del subjuntivo · pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo the subjunctive el subjuntivo present subjunctive presente de subjuntivo · presente ...
With these clauses, the tense of V2 (present, imperfect, present perfect or pluperfect subjunctive) will depend on the tense of V1, just like in noun and adjectival clauses. Thus, if the main verb is, for example, a preterit, an imperfect or a conditional, the subordinate verb will hav...
subjunctive tense el tiempo subjuntivo subjunctive mood conjuntivo · modo subjuntivo · subjuntivo imperfect subjunctive el imperfecto de subjuntivo · imperfecto del subjuntivo · pretérito imperfecto de subjuntivo the subjunctive el subjuntivo present subjunctive presente de subjuntivo · presente ...