doi:10.1080/00221309.1973.9710827JackmanKenneth L.The Journal of General Psychology
4.History of ParticularSubjects专门史;特地史 5.tensubjects门学科 6.newsubjectsfor thought新的思维内容;内容;新的 7.OtherSubjects其他主题;其他选修课;综合题材 8.psychology of schoolsubjects[心理]学科心理学 9.multiplesubjects跨学科;是非题 10.electivesubjects选修科目(elective subject的复数) ...
required subjects 必修科目 naturalized subjects 【法】 已归入国民 psychology of school subjects 学科心理学 相似单词 culture n. 1.[U]文化,文明(指国家或群体的风俗、信仰、艺术、生活方式及社会组织) 2.[C]文化(指拥有特定信仰等的国家、群体等) 3.[U]文化(艺术、音乐、文学等的统称) 4.[C,U]...
Psychology is the study of human behaviour and thought. This fascinating science provides diverse skills that are valued by employers. Social Sciences Social science is a group of academic subjects that focus on society and people. Studying social sciences gives you a variety of pathways to follow...
What subjects are classified as STEM vary depend on which country you're in. In the UK, social sciences such as Psychology and Sociology aren't classed as STEM subjects. However, they are in other countries such as the USA. At a glance, STEM may seem to only include a few subjects,...
To study this subject at the University of Cambridge– one of the top universities in the world– you need at least A*AA at your A levels or equivalent. It is possible that a written test will be required for admission, so your background knowledge of psychology and sociology must be at...
When is IRB Approval Required for Research? Research papers that need an IRB approval are typically those in the social sciences. At Pioneer, the scholars who have applied for an IRB review have research areas concentrated in psychology or anthropology. ... Spaeth-hilbert T, Seufert T (2013) Lecture-Recordings: a solution for students of psychology as a minor subject? J E-Learn Knowl Soc 9(2):115–127 Stock PA, Stock EM (2018) Factors that influence a college student's choice of an academic ...
A between subjects design is a way of avoiding the carryover effects that can plaguewithin subjects designs, and they are one of the most common experiment types in some scientific disciplines, especially psychology. The basic idea behind this type of study is thatparticipantscan be part of the...
心理学shinrigakuPsychology 人類学jinruigakuAnthropology 地理学chirigakuGeography 政治学seijigakuPolitical Science 経済学keizaigakuEconomics 生物学seibutsugakuBiology 化学kagakuChemistry 物理学butsurigakuPhysics 天文学tenmongakuAstronomy 地質学chishitsugakuGeology ...