In essence, the character O-Shin herself stood for modern Japan. Escaping the relative poverty and hardship characterizing 19th-century Japan, O-Shin learned that perseverance and sincerity were the traditional values needed to survive the Tokyo earthquake of 1923, the tragedies of the Second World...
A customer wants to use Unity (Voice Mail) in a Hospitality environment (hotel). They would like to automatically clear out the voice mail and reset the greetings after a guest checks out from their Property Management System (PMS). Are there any shrink-wrap applications that would do this?
In each focus group, they needed only a couple of words of translation before animatedly finishing the researcher’s sentences, confident that they had understood what was going on. People like her “feel themselves weak,” Mf declared, interpreting the bullied as collective “we.” They easily...
In essence, the character O-Shin herself stood for modern Japan. Escaping the relative poverty and hardship characterizing 19th-century Japan, O-Shin learned that perseverance and sincerity were the traditional values needed to survive the Tokyo earthquake of 1923, the tragedies of the Second World...