For the academic year 2021-22 The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT) Kerala selected some focus areas and important chapters in all subjects to facilitate the learning process. Students need to take special attention to the given focus areas as most of the questions will ...
Resting-state functional imaging was subsequently performed using a single-shot-gradientecho- echo planar imaging (SS-GRE-EPI) sequence that is sensitive to BOLD contrast with the following parameters: TR ¼ 2000 ms, TE ¼ 30 ms, field of view (FOV) ¼ 240 Â 240 mm2, matrix ¼ ...
11. Danesh J, Whincup P, Walker M, et al: Low grade inflam- mation and coronary heart disease: prospective study and updated meta-analyses. BMJ 2000; 321: 199–204. 12. Ridker PM, Rifai N, Rose L, Buring JE, Cook NR: Compar- ison of C-reactive protein and low-density lipoprotein...
We examined 15 patients (six men and nine women) suffering from chronic WAD (> 6 months), classified as grade 2 according to the Quebec Task Force classification[24] and which started less than 72 hours after the motor vehicle accident. In addition, six men and nine women matched with the...
This study aimed at evaluating the concentration of erythrocyte purine nucleotides (ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP) in trained and sedentary subjects before and after maximal physical exercise together with measuring the activity of purine metabolism enzymes as well
Low-grade inflammation is a common feature in subjects with T2DM [41]. The decrease of plasma concentration of IL-6 and TNF-α during intervention might be resulted from bioactivated fibers, flavonoids, polyphenols and other phytochemicals in foxtail millet [28]. Recent data have revealed that ...