At the well-renowned university in Chennai, after completing the three-year course, the students will receive honours in BA, BBA, B Com, BSc depending on the subjects they choose. Students can choose any subjects from English, Economics, History, Psychology,, Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science...
CPGET Exam Pattern 2024 - Candidates can check here CPGET 2024 exam pattern along with the duration, mode, types of questions, total marks, number of questions, marking scheme, etc.
The Consortium of National Law Universities (NLUs) will release the CLAT 2026 syllabus on its official website - The CLAT UG 2026 syllabus has 5 sections namely English language, logical reasoning, legal reasoning, general knowled
B Com HonoursB.Com TaxationB.Com in Banking and InsuranceB.Com in Information TechnologyB.Com in Management StudiesB.Com EconomicsB.Com Co-operationB.Com Applied EconomicsB.Com Business EconomicsB.Com Foreign Trade ManagementB.Com E-CommerceB.Com in Bank ManagementB.Com in Sales and Marketing...