Please see these two articles from last year: Old Superstitions Die Hard and Rules and Preferences. David B. says: November 5, 2015, at 3:07 pm Please note the answer to the last pop quiz. 5. “I am one of many people that are trying to advance the art form.” CORRECT I ...
We’d love to retire Media Watch, but we can’t until the happy day that all writers proof their articles and avoid fancy words that they may have forgotten to look up. Pop Quiz The following are sentences recently heard over the airwaves. See if you can spot the errors. Our solutions...
The answers to both of the questions Vam asks are subjects, so the verbs need to agree with the subjects.In the second question, "John and Mark" is a compound subject joined by "and," so it requires a plural verb:Who ___ John and Mark? John and Mark are my...
es fällt mir leicht I find it easy Ich nicht mag Englisch denn es fällt mir schwer und es gefällt mir nicht. I don't like English because I find it difficult and it doesn't appeal to me. 最好的學習方式。免費註冊。 註冊代表你接受Quizlet的服務條款和隱私政策 以Google帳戶繼續 關於...
Also see Verbs: Two Basic Categories — Primary v. SecondarySubject Clauses That-clause vs. Gerund-clause General and Specific Wording of Subject Clauses THAT-CLAUSE AS SUBJECT An activity can also be expressed as a subordinate that-clause, which can function as the subject . However, this ...
HSK 2 - Verbs 1 to 39 39個詞語 jiramet_de 預覽 จีน บทที่ 1 28個詞語 bankao212540 預覽 Chinese 8 53個詞語 LucianBennett 預覽 无 8個詞語 maipakor 預覽 วัน เวลา เลข 34個詞語 mintnatthacha0093 預覽 M1/lesson 20 老師16個詞語 quizlette5148...
Bob and Bill run every morning. Lesson Quiz Course 9.5K views Subject-Verb Agreement In all sentences, subjects must agree with their verbs. Look at this example: Bob runs every morning. Agreement in Compound Subjects Or and Nor Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you ...
Q10: I will come over after I do the dishes and finish my homework. a) I b) the dishes c) my homework d) the dishes + my homework Answers to the Grammar Quiz: Subjects and objects in English language Q1: c Q2: b Q3: b
Subjects, Verbs, Objects BEGIN bother! Try again Try again. Advertisements Click on the article BEGIN Confused! Try again Try again. Nouns, verbs and all that BEGIN Try again Try again Bad luck! Click on the adjective BEGIN bother! Try again Try again. Click on the verb BEGIN ...
Unit: Verbs and Sentence Structure. The Principal Parts of Verbs Verbs take different forms in order to indicate time. These forms of verbs are tenses. Grammar. What you will need to know for the quiz: Phrases Irregular Verbs: to lie vs. to lay Clauses Need to review? Four kinds of ...