Objective and subjective measures of physical functioning in women with fibromyalgia: What type of measure is associated most clearly with subjective well-being? The al-ndalus projectdoi:10.1136/ANNRHEUMDIS-2018-EULAR.6370F. Estevez-LopezF.M. Acosta...
However, the neural substrates of subjective happiness remain unclear. To date, no structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) investigation of the construct has been conducted. Identification of the neural substrates underlying subjective happiness may provide a complementary objective measure for this subj...
The associations between measures of objective SES (i.e., income and educational attainment), subjective SES (i.e., the MacArthur ladder SES and perceived SES), and SWB (i.e., happiness and life satisfaction) were synthesized across 354 studies, totaling 2,352,095 participants. Overall, the...
What is missing in the literature is a measure of overall “subjective happiness” – that is, a global, subjective assessment of whether one is a happy or an unhappy person. Such a measure would re?ect a broader and more molar category of well-being and tap into more global psychological...
The variables that contributed most to the discrimination between groups were sex (0.680), self satisfaction (0.644), health perception (0.630), and level of happiness with health (0.601). Adopting an approach where having a positive body image is seen as a key element of mental and physical ...
Using scatter diagrams, correlations and regression analysis, it explores bivariate relationships between the wealth estimates and a widely reported measure of average subjective well-being (SWB) or 'happiness'. For comparative purposes, correlations between GNI per capita and the wealth estimates are ...
happiness are either single-item global evaluations (and hence not conducive to testing psychometric properties) or assess only selected (i.e., emotional or cognitive) components of subjective happiness, the SHS is a four-item measure of global subjective happiness2. The SHS assesses subjective ...
If an objective measure of wellbeing such as income was used in this case, it might be assumed that wellbeing was reduced (as signified by a reduction in income), whereas in fact the farmer may have improved subjective wellbeing because they are focusing on their desired goal of matching ...
Happiness Model fit b* 1 ** –0.4 * Subject: Win Win Lose Lose Partner: Win Lose Lose Win –1 –1 0 1 Guilt measure c 16 d 50 12 40 * 30 8 20 4 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Generosity (%) 0 Partner Partner wins loses Subject happiness is higher Figure 2 | Descriptive analysis...
Despite a recent line of research highlighting trust as an important determinant of residents’ happiness in Western countries, empirical evidence regarding the strength of these linkages in the developing world needs to be more comprehensive and conclus