1、Subject-verb ConcordnThe definition of subject-verb concordnThe three guiding principlesnProblems of concord with nouns ending in -snProblems of concord with collective nouns as subjectnProblems of concord with a coordinate subjectnProblems of concord with expressions of quantity as subjectnOther ...
Concord(I) Lecture2 Subject-verbConcord(I) Definition: MainPoints: Theagreementbetweensubject andpredicateverbinnumber. 2.1Guidingprinciples 2.2Problemsofconcordwithnounsendingin–s 2.3problemsofconcordwithcollectivenouns Quiz 2.1GuidingPrinciples Therearethreeprinciplesguidingsubject- ...
InEnglish grammar,subject-verb agreementis the correspondence of averbwith itssubjectinperson(first, second, or third) andnumber(singular or plural). It is also known assubject-verb concord. The principle of subject-verb agreement applies tofinite verbsin thepresent tenseand, in a limited way, ...