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主述一致(subject verb agreement) 由周志高提交于周五, 09/23/2022 - 18:23 主述一致(Subject verb agreement)是指一个句子的述语(verb)要在人称和数上与主语保持一致。
Using Subject-Verb Agreement使用主谓一致 热度: 主谓一致,是指主语和谓语动词要保持人称和数上的一致。 subject-verbAgreement主谓一致,是指主语和谓语动词要保持人称和数上的一致。主谓一致的三个原则A坚持向前看语法一致是指主语和谓语在单复数形式上的一致关系,主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;反之,谓语动词用复...
In simple terms, if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular; if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural. For example, 'The cat chases the mouse.' Here, 'cat' is a singular subject and 'chases' is a singular verb. On the other hand, 'The cats chase the mice....
Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement: 主谓一致的例子: If a compound subject is joined by "or" or "nor," look at the subject closest to the verb and make the verb agree with that part of the subject. 如果一个符合主语通过"or"或"nor" 连接,要看离动词最近的主语,动词的单复数要与这个主语保...
1、Book 4 Unit 1 What is S-V agreement? 用动词的适当形式填空1. I _ a teacher. (be)2. He _ good at swimming. (be)3. You _ late for school again.(be) 4. They _ many new books. (have)5. She _ two sisters.(have)amisarehavehas根据主语决定与其一致的单数或复数的谓语 Rule1:...
either-or, neither-nor, or, or nor the verb should agree with the subject closer to it Neither Bob nor the others were able to get up for class. Either the others or Jackie wants to borrow the book. Rule #4: Each, each one, either, neither, everyone, ...
Singular subjects must have a singular verb. 单数主语必须跟动词单数。 Plural subjects must have a plural verb. 复数主语必须跟动词复数。 Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement: 主谓一致的例子: If a compound subject is joined by "or" or "nor," look at the subject closest to the verb and make ...
Examples of Subject-Verb Agreement:主谓一致的例子:If a compound subject is joined by "or" or "nor," look at the subject closest to the verb and make the verb agree with that part of the subject.如果一个符合主语通过"or"或"nor" 连接,要看离动词最近的主语,动词的单复数要与...
说课内容:《subject-verb agreement》 中国教研网 教研网官网.ts 是在优酷播出的教育高清视频,于2021-03-16 16:44:13上线。视频内容简介:说课内容:《subject-verb agreement》 中国教研网 教研网官网.ts