See details below for subject verb agreement rules with examples.The verb is affected only when in PRESENT tense, for the THIRD person. Subject Lessons: Subject Verb Agreement - Subject Exercises: Subject Verb Agreement Exercise - Subject Verb Agreement Exercise 2 PDF Exercises: Subject Verb ...
Examples of correctsubject-verb agreement: 主谓一致的正确例子: 1) Herunsfour miles every day. (singular subject; singular verb) 1)他每天跑4英里。(单数主语,单数动词) 2) Theyridethe school bus in the afternoon. (plural subject; plural verb) 2)他们下午乘坐校车。(复数主语,复数动词) 3) Few ...
Rule 7.Use a singular verb with distances, periods of time, sums of money, etc., when considered as a unit. Examples: Three milesistoo far to walk. Five yearsisthe maximum sentence for that offense. Ten dollarsisa high price to pay. ...
In fact, the two categories are often conflated within verb conjugation patterns: there are specific verb forms for first person singular, second person plural and so on. Some examples: I really am (1st pers. singular) vs. We really are (1st pers. plural) The experiment succeeds (3rd pers...
Using Subject-Verb Agreement使用主谓一致 热度: 主谓一致,是指主语和谓语动词要保持人称和数上的一致。 subject-verbAgreement主谓一致,是指主语和谓语动词要保持人称和数上的一致。主谓一致的三个原则A坚持向前看语法一致是指主语和谓语在单复数形式上的一致关系,主语为单数形式,谓语动词用单数形式;反之,谓语动词用复...
1、介于主语和谓语动词之间的词不影响谓语动词的个数 例如: The bittersweet flavor of youth - its trials, its joys, its adventures, its challenges - is not soon forgotten 2、一个常见的错误是在“one of...”之后的关系从句中使用单数动词形式,或者当关系是主语时,使用类似的表达 ...
What is Subject-Verb Agreement? In English, our sentences need to have at least one subject and one verb, and these must be in agreement. By agreement, I mean that they must be in the same form. For example: I eat breakfast every day. ...
3. Words (along with, besides, as well as) and phrases (prepositional phrases, subordinate clauses, parentheticals) between the subject and the verb don’t count Look at the following subject-verb agreement examples: Susan, along with her three sisters,is goingto the hair salon. ...
Using Subject-Verb Agreement使用主谓一致 热度: Subject/Verb Agreement Subject-VerbAgreement TheRule: Singularsubjectstakesingularverbs, andpluralsubjectstakepluralverbs FourEasyStepsForAvoidingSubject- VerbEmbarrassment 1)Findthemainverb–don’tgetdistractedby ...
Exercise29.2:Subject-verbagreement Question1. Onlyoneoftheseunderlyingcauses___thoughttoinvolvethewaythebrainfunctions. is are Question2. Thelargestgroupofletters___theshortestinheight,a,c,e,g,m,n,o,q,r,s,u,v,w,x,y,andz. is are Question...