Only write headlines you know your email will deliver on, or else your recipients will feel they’re just being spammed and could lose trust in your brand. Subject lines for follow-up emails Pique your recipient’s interest again with a follow-up email that allows you to address their ...
Truthfully, there are some who argue that the follow-up email subject line matters less than the follow-up itself. While it’s true that the content of your email will ultimately be the most influential follow-up content for prospects, the subject line matters, too. Anything that’s too sp...
Tip: feel free to temper with the default email title's prefix for new messages (none) when you are writing an email as follow up to a live conversation or phone exchange, by starting a blank email with a subject line like "RE: Phone Call", or something less generic - in other words...
Follow up email subject lines In some cases, a simple “Re: [original subject line]” works just fine for follow-up emails. If you’ve tried this to no avail or if this is part of anurture series, consider these: [Name], did our guide help? Another resource for you, [Name]! Your...
Keep your email subject line professional; don't use informal words such as “hey” and “howdy.” Also, avoid using shorthand or abbreviations if they aren't part of the job title or submission instructions. Avoid this: “Howdy Hiring Manager, Joe Smith for Acct, Houston” And do this:...
1.How to increase your email click-through rates 2.Guide to email marketing for small businesses 3.How to write effective follow-up emails 6. Open the loop Questions are also a great way to open the so-called loop with your customer. The open loop is a copywriting technique taken straight...
Here are two qualities that make a great sales follow-up email subject line: 1 Benefit Be specific with what your prospects can gain by opening your email. For instance, you’re offering a new legal way that can potentially boost your recipients’ profit by 30% if they read your email. ...
This example came from a follow-up email, so the lead already had context for the offer that was ending. With this subject line, the lead is incentivized to act quickly, open the email, and respond. How to use it:A subject line like this is best used as a second...
AI is good for that, too. A generative AI tool, like HubSpot's Campaign Assistant or AI email writer, can come up with dozens of ideas in a single click. Check out this article on how you can use AI to optimize your content. 8. Don't make false promises. Your em...
A/B testingis a great way to see what your target market responds to. In an A/B test, one subset of your email recipients will see one subject line, while a second subset will see a different subject line. Most ESPs can set this up for you. Some can even run an A/B test on ...