Welcome toQuran Subject-Wise. This is a collection of Subject-Wise Points in Quran and their corresponding Quranic Ayat Urdu Translations. This will greatly help you to search your topics of interest in Quran at one place. This website contains orders of Allah collected under each subject and ...
[es] not know of an Ara-bic word that renders the meaning of spectacle (sibiktākil) or théâtre (tiyātir)” (211/231)10 and although the performances are not free of some “Satanic lean-ings” (nazaʿāt shayṭāniyya, ibid.), French theatre nevertheless should be as-sessed ...
Using the theoretical framework of systemic functional linguistics, the chapters of this book explore the nature of language, the relations of meaning and society, of form and meaning, and of grammar and lexis. Halliday has referred to the level of lexicogrammar as the powerhouse of language: ...
Nature of Maths/Logical thinking; understanding children’s thinking and reasoning patterns and strategies of making meaning and learning Place of Maths in Curriculum Problems of Teaching Evaluation through formal and informal methods Error analysis and related aspects of learning and teaching Diagnostic an...