Unless I hear from you within ten days, I will have no other choice but to turn your account over for collection. I am sorry that we must take such drastic action but I am afraid you leave us no alternative. You can preserve your credit rating by remitting your check today for the am...
Thank you for applying for(申请) the job as an engineer at Purple Cloud. We would like to invite you for an interview at our office. Your interview is at 2 p.m., on Thursday, April 3. If you're not available at that time or on that day please let me know at once so that we...
Aninvitation to a job interviewTo:Grace YangDate:6 SeptemberSubject:Invitation to job interviewDear Grace,Thank you for yourapplication(申请)forthe position of sales manager.We would like to invite you foran interview at 10 a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at TheShard, 32 London B...
My ___ Interview (And It’s Fresh!) Being personable Rough Day? Where to Drink Beer Right Now What Did You Think? Write a Review. You are not alone. Hoping you can help. Hoping to help Did you get what you were looking for? We have {insert fact} in common … Our next steps {...
surveyinvitationid 型 reference プロパティ filter、group、nillable、sort 说明 他のオブジェクトに関连付けられたアンケートへの招待の一意の识别子。 surveyresponseid 型 reference プロパティ filter、group、nillable、sort 说明 他のオブジェクトに関连付けられたアンケート...
主题词(Subject word).doc,主题词(Subject word) Instructions for the use of official subject headings of the State Council I. compiling principles (1) the word list structure is logical and has a wide coverage, so that it is easy to use. (two) the word
To: Grace Yang Date: 6 September Subject: Invitation to a job interview Dear Grace,Thank you for applying(申请) for the position(职位)of sales manager. We would like to invite you for an interview at 10:00 am on Monday, September 21 at our company at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Stree...
(A)To: Clar a Green From: Annie Young Subject: Invitation to job interview Date: March 4Dear Clara,Thank you for applying(申请) for the position of sales manager. We would like to invite you for an interview at our company at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday March 12. Our company is at the...
31 The Angolan Air Force, similar to its army, was well equipped with first line equipment. In some cases, the equipment that the Soviet Union furnished FAPLA was so new that western arms experts gained access to Soviet material not previously encountered elsewhere. For example, the SA-8 ...
Kanye West conducted a pretty amazing/ridiculous interview with the Times yesterday, but this isn’t his first rodeo . The Yeezus singer has been “forgetting better shit than you ever thought of” since at least 2004. Here are nearly ten years worth of absurd quotes and fantastic insights fr...