Each piece of music is also considered in terms of the subject who listens, leading to some speculative thoughts on the uses made of the drone, an assessment of its potential to resist appropriation by the culture industry and reasons for the drone's remarkable persistence and diversity....
In addressing these policy changes, several challenges have been identified, such as lack of TE policy support and TEDs’ need for professional development (Lindfors et al.2021), but also that the meaning of adequate digital competence is unclear (Fransson et al.2018), which may have consequence...
Pursuing innovation where appropriation is challenging for the first movers and where there is a strong need for complementary assets can be beneficial for sustainability administrators and managers.Identifying the existence of high social benefit innovations but with very low, private benefits appropriable...
After “Acqua, Terra, Fuoco, Immagine,” in Rome, a large exhibition was held (July-October) in Foligno, called “The Spare of the Image.” Beside optical work such as Alviani’s, urban context art such as Tano Festa’s or Pistoletto’s, or its negative equivalent such as Gilardi’s,...
While I’m aware that neither appropriationism nor works based on systems of rules are novelties in the history of art and literature, I believe that the specificity of the digital medium confers new meanings. These are productions that ...