Shalev, Maximal subgroups of symmetric groups, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 75 (1996) 341-352.M. W. Liebeck and A. Shalev, Maximal subgroups of symmetric groups. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 75 (1996), 341-352. Zbl 0866.20003 MR 1401008...
We prove that it is consistent that there exists a subgroup of the symmetric group Sym(λ) which is not included in a maximal proper subgroup of Sym(λ). We also consider the question of which subgroups of Sym(λ) stabilize a nontrivial ideal on λ....
GROUP-ALGEBRA EXTENSIONSLet n and k be positive integers. We consider the (ordinary) depth of several Young subgroups of the symmetric group S-n. For k = 2k, we show that the depth of S-{k+1,S-...,S-n} x S-{1,S-...,S-k} similar or equal to Sn-k x S-k in S-n is...
Sylow subgroups of symmetric and alternating groups and the vertex of $S^{(kp-p,1^p)}$ in characteristic $p$ We show that the Sylow $p$-subgroups of a symmetric group, respectively an alternating group, are characterized as the $p$-subgroups containing all element... E Giannelli,KJ Lim...
This paper gives all the nilpotent subgroups and solvable subgroups of symmetric group S5. 给出了S5的全部102个幂零子群和154个可解子群,其中幂零子群分为10个共轭类,可解子群分为17个共轭类,而且给出了每个子群的阶和一个最小生成元组。4) complemented subgroup 可补子群 1. The purpose of this ...
Let Γ = GSp (2l, R) be the general symplectic group of rank l over a commutative ring R such that 2 ∈ R*; and let ν be a symmetric equivalence relation on the index set {1,…, l, l,…, 1} all of whose classes contain at least 3 elements. In the present paper, we ...
The interpretation is given in terms of the connected components of the scheme that classifies subgroup schemes of a particular p-divisible group.关键词: Subgroups of p -divisible groups and centralizers in symmetric groups, Artículo DOI: 10.1090/S0002-9947-2014-06344-7 ...
of structure that appears often—for example in applications to permutation groups, regular graphs, and so on—is knowledge of the maximal subgroups of a finite simple group. on the other hand, knowledge of the maximal subgroups of all finite groups is equivalent to knowledge of the maximal ...
We prove that the maximal subgroup of the free idempotent generated semigroup over E containing e is isomorphic to the symmetric group S_r.关键词: Maximal subgroups of free idempotent-generated semigroups over the full transformation monoid, Artículo ...
Saxl, A classification of the maximal subgroups of the finite alternating and symmetric groups. J. Algebra 111 (1987), no. 2, 365-383.M. W. Liebeck, C. E. Praeger, and J. Saxl. A classification of the maximal subgroups of the finite alternating and symmetric groups. J. Algebra, ...