adjective quiet; inhibited; repressed; controlled: After the argument he was much more subdued. lowered in intensity or strength; reduced in fullness of tone, as a color or voice; muted: subdued light; wallpaper in subdued greens. (of land) not marked by any striking features, as mountains...
The meaning of SUBDUED is lacking in vitality, intensity, or strength. How to use subdued in a sentence.
adjective quiet; inhibited; repressed; controlled: After the argument he was much more subdued. lowered in intensity or strength; reduced in fullness of tone, as a color or voice; muted: subdued light; wallpaper in subdued greens. (of land) not marked by any striking features, as mountains...
antonyms (1) Words with the opposite meaning unsubdued equivalents (5) Other words for 'subdued' dark dull restrained soft tame rhymes (70) Words with the same terminal sound Abood Jude Likud Mahmood Mahmoud Rhude abood accrued allude ballyhooed blued booed brewed broo...
This is the place for Subdued definition. You find here Subdued meaning, synonyms of Subdued and images for Subdued
subdued 小声的,压低的 subdue,抑制,压制,-ed,形容词后缀。引申词义小声的,压低声音的。英文词源subdued (adj.) c. 1600, "subjugated," past participle adjective from subdue. Meaning "calmed down, reduced in intensity" is recorded from 1822.
The meaning of SUBDUEDNESS is the quality or state of being subdued.
The meaning of SUBDUED is lacking in vitality, intensity, or strength. How to use subdued in a sentence.
subdued的使用趋势 改编自 Ngrams 数据仅供参考。 分享"subdued" 中文翻译由AI生成。查看原文,请访问:Etymology, origin and meaning ofsubdued 广告 想移除广告吗?查看更少的广告,并成为会员以移除所有广告。 简体中文 (Chinese)...
The primary sense in English seems to have been taken in Anglo-French from Latinsubdere"place, set, or lay under; bring under, subject, subdue," and attached to this word. Related:Subdued;subduing. The meaning "bring (a person) to mental or spiritual subjection, prevail over, render submi...