Unconscious:You have an aversion toward asparagus. The very sight of it makes you nauseous. Still, you have absolutely no idea why. What, because it’s been repressed, isn’t available to your consciousness is that when you were 6, your father insisted you eat this (new to you) vegetable...
And it should be added that all your defenses reside in your unconscious mind, which is another way of saying they’re mentally repressed. So, to better understand your unconscious, it’s fundamental that you grasp that this is the part of your being that represses extremely unpleas...
Some unconscious processes are more stubborn than others and will take more determination to change, but change they can. But whatever you want to learn, or whatever you want to overcome, be optimistic, believe in yourself, and know that with the help of your conscious and subconscious minds,...
including the examples you gave. The main point is letting go of the victim mindset behind it. “That punch to the face will help me grow” is obviously a fake inner reaction to the situation and would be an attempt to blanket out the dark nature of what’s going on. ...
According to Jung, ”Such material has mostly become unconscious because—in a manner of speaking—there is no room for it in the conscious mind. Some of one’s thoughts lose their emotional energy and become subliminal (that is to say, they no longer receive so much of our conscious ...
There are some pretty clear examples that one can use to signify the difference between the unconscious and the subconscious mind. For instance, when talking about the subconscious, here’s an example: You might remember a feeling of jealousy toward a sibling when they were growing up. But, ...