1) 勾选“I have read and agree to the terms and conditions”,点击“Next”。 2/25 1) Current location一般都选择CHINA。 2) Legal status我选择的是Citizen,因为我在2021年6月已经硕士毕业;如果你还在读,应该选择Student。 3) Is the applicant applying for this visa because their study in Australia...
公证大概所需材料(要求原件):户口本/父母身份证/自己的身份证/医学出生证明/近期2寸照片2张 翻译+公证费用:2份*户口本公正+翻译(因为我只做了这个)大约的费用是500rmb,户口本是按照翻译的页数算得;据做了出生证明的小伙伴说大约的费用是在300rmb ⌚️耗时:翻译结果大概需要1周才可以出来 4、CoE(Confirmatio...
1) 勾选“I have read and agree to the terms and conditions”,点击“Next”。 2/25 1) Current location一般都选择CHINA。 2) Legal status我选择的是Citizen,因为我在2021年6月已经硕士毕业;如果你还在读,应该选择Student。 3) Is the applicant applying for this visa because their study in Australia...
This visa lets you to visit Australia as tourist, business purpose or visit family for a temporary stay.
The Australian eVisitor visa (subclass 651) is a multiple-entry travel permit. With this visa, you can visit Australia for tourist or business purposes. You must apply for it, from outside of the country. The eVisitor visa for Australia is valid for 12 months and allows you to remain in...
The Prospective Marriage visa is a temporary visa which allows the visa holder to enter Australia on the condition that they marry their fiancé, fiancée or de facto partner and then apply for a residence visa onshore. If you are engaged to be married, you must be able to demonstrate that...
The Australia ETA (Subclass 601), a type of Australia Visa, is available to some nationalities and should be obtained before your trip. Get it now online with us!
Willing to extend your Australian work and holiday (subclass 462) visa? Apply for your third year WHV for Australia with Visa First.
a•Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) holders—If your work and holiday visa contains condition 8503 you cannot request that it be waived and you must depart Australia before your visa expires. •工作和假日签证 (子类462) ,持有人如果您的工作和假日签证包含情况8503您不可能请求它被放弃和您...
Be a genuine visitor:You will visit Australia for a temporary stay and obey any condition or stay period attached to your ETA. Be in good health:If you plan to use the Australian health care or hospital environments, you should apply for aAustralia Visitor Visa (subclass 600)instead. ...