However, the efficacy and safety of both simultaneous and sequential combination therapies should be explored. Aims To compare the efficacy and safety of simultaneous and sequential fractional CO2 laser and subcision combination therapies for post-acne atrophic scars. Patients and Methods This single-...
Statistically there is a significant difference between CO2laser following subcision and CO2laser alone at 5% level (p< 0.05). Both procedures were well tolerated with minimal side effects.Conclusion:The highly versatile CO2laser is useful for treating acne scars. Subcision prior to the CO2laser ...
RESULTS. Our study revealed that treatment of the right side of the face with fractional CO2 Laser led to statistically significant improvement more than what was achieved by PDO threads on the left side. It was also found that both PDO monofilament threads and Fractional Co2 laser improved the...
The efficacy and safety of combination therapy using deep penetrated CO2 fractional laser and subcision with CO2 gas for acne scardoi:10.1016/j.jaad.2016.02.1121NoneJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology
The treatment efficiency of the combined group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P 2 laser combined with subcision is more effective than fractional CO2 laser in the treatment of boxcar-type and rolling-type scars, but there is no significant difference in the treatment of...
Patients and method: twenty patients with atrophic acne scars undergone three sessions of fractional carbon dioxide laser resurfacing for both sides of the face and subcision by CO2 gas for the right side scars only. Standardized photographs were taken before and three month after the last session ...
Single Session Treatment of Rolling Acne Scars Using Tumescent Anesthesia, 20% Trichloracetic Acid Extensive Subcision, and Fractional CO2 LaserBACKGROUND Successful treatment of acne scars is challenging. Manymodalities have been used with marginal success....
A multimodal approach is required to treat various types of scars in a single session.#The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy and safety of multimodal approach for acne scars using blunt subcision, fractional CO2laser, and stromal vascular fraction (SVF) injection.#The study included...
fractional CO2 lasersubcisionIntroduction Acne is one of the most common skin diseases, causing scars as a common and persistent complication. A single modality of treatment is not completely effective, and hence a combination of therapeutic modalities is required for the treatment. As the condition ...
The efficacy and safety of combination therapy using subcision with CO2 gas and CO2 fractional laser for acne scar: Clinical and microscopic evaluationdoi:10.1016/j.jaad.2015.02.1076NoneELSEVIERJournal of the American Academy of Dermatology