Subchorionic hemorrhage (subchorionic hematoma) is the most common sonographic abnormality in the presence of a live embryo. Vaginal bleeding affects 25% of all women during the first half of pregnancy and is a common reason for first-trimester ultrasono
I had a midwife who said, "subchorionic hemorrhage is the ER diagnosis," meaning that's what they tell everyone who comes in with bleeding! I don't think your ER doc misled you or anything, because presumably the small separation of the placenta is what causes a blood vessel to break!
[20]. However, scholars have reported that the incidences of gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, and postpartum hemorrhage are significantly higher in women with intrauterine hematomas who deliver after 28 weeks of gestation, and these patients more commonly suffer from placenta previa and oligo...