Concomitant ipsilateral pertrochanteric and subcapital fracture of the proximal femur. Eur JSayegh F, Karataglis D, Trapotsis S, Christopforides J, Pournaras J. Concomitant ipsilateral pertrochanteric and subcapital fracture of the proximal femur. Eur J Trauma 2005; 31: 64-7. [http://dx....
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Initial management of a neck of femur fracture should consist of anA to Eapproachto stabilise the patient and treat any immediately life- or limb- threatening problems, as this cohort of patients will likely sustain concurrent injuries (even in low-impact cases). Ensureadequateanalgesiais provided,...
Subcapital fractureSubtrochanteric fracturePertrochanteric fracturePathological fractureHip fractureFracture of neck of femurBackground Co-existing subcapital and subtrochanteric fracture on the same side of the hip is rare. We are not aware of a similar case reported in the literature. Case study We ...
Internal fixation versus hemiarthroplasty for the displaced subcapital fracture of the femur. A prospective randomised study. Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery - British Volume 1981;63-B;357-61.Sikorski JM, Barrington R. Internal fixation versus hemiarthroplasty for the displaced subcapital fracture of...
Salai M, Rosenberg E: Multivariant analysis on the long-term re- sults of hemiarthroplasty after subcapital fracture of the femur. J Am Geriatr Soc 44:477-478, 1996.Salai M, Rosenberg E. Multivariant analysis on the long-term results of hemiarthroplasty after subcapital fracture of the ...
1Second Department of CardiologyEuropean Journal of Heart FailureGogas BD, Parissis JT, Filippatos GS, et al.: Severe anaemia and subcapital femur fracture in a patient with Left Ventricular Assist Device Heart Mate II: the cardiologist's management of this rare patient. Eur J Heart Fail. ...
SPONTANEOUS SUB-CAPITAL FRACTURE NECK OF FEMUR COMPLICATING A UNITED TROCHANTERIC FRACTURE IN A DIABETIC- CASE REPORT AND REVIEW OF LITERATUREReceived 08th April, 2015Received in revised form14th May, 2015Accepted 25th June, 2015Published online 31st July, 2015Shakir Rashid...
Although sub-capital neck fracture of femur over an old healed trochanter fracture with dynamic hip screw implant in situ is not uncommon, but can be an unexpected outcome for both surgeon and patient. Many series of case reports have been published so far in the literature, but the majority...
Aims : To compare the early results of THR in our younger, active patients after fracture neck of femur (NOF) with large series from specialized centres. Materials and methods : Between May 2008 and April 2009, there were 9 patients who underwent THR for a fracture NOF. Eight were very ...