一个帅气顾家的伙伴 Subaru Legacy Station Wagon 酷爱滑雪的一家人 激情北海道 野外郊游 永远那么诗情画意 老伙计的沧桑感 有味道 赛道旁的亲密无间 和谐之美 天真可爱的孩子 有样儿 幸福之家 当之无愧 Party Time 每个人 永远洋溢着微笑 欣赏着每件艺术品 画面定格的瞬间 美妙至极 夜色下 和伙伴们一起 堪称...
Subaru of America introduced the all-new seventh-generation 2020 Legacy sedan - the most advanced Subaru Legacy in the model's 30-year history. With standard Subaru Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive and EyeSight® Driver Assist Technology as well as available tablet-style high-definition 11.6-inch SUB...
The Levorg's chiseled looks and updated technology could reach our shores on other Subaru models, but, sadly, probably not in this form.
Over multiple generations, it has evolved from a simple appearance package on the Subaru Legacy wagon to one of the most popular crossovers you can buy. All the while, it’s kept the features and outdoorsy personality that inspire customers to keep coming back for the latest models. I’ve ...
Actually, the Outback evolved fromSubaru’s Legacy sedan, so while crossover SUVs it competes with strive for carlike driving attributes, the Outback comes by them naturally. The transition involves some taller-aspect-ratio tires, a few added inches of ground clearance, a roof rack, some strat...
摘要: 自从丰田入主斯巴鲁之后,斯巴鲁这个原本性格鲜明的品牌受到追求中庸气质的丰田的影响,在车型设计方面变得顾虑重重,2007年亮相的两厢Impreza就是最好的例子,很显然已经丢掉了以往在WRC赛场上的那股傲气.而新款Legacy Wagon的转变也多少令我们有些失望. 关键词: 汽车;产品介绍;品牌战略;设计方案 年份: 2009 收藏...
Subaru Legacy Station Wagon 2004 The first Subaru Legacy Outback was introduced in the United States in 1996. It was a Legacy station wagon with all-wheel drive, body-cladding, off-road... Subaru Outback 2 ⇵2013 Subaru of America, Inc. introduced the 2013 Subaru Legacy. The 2013 Legacy...
including the Forester, Legacy/Liberty station wagon, Tribeca, and Outback, among others. The camera's output video signal is compatible with both NTSC and Android DVD players, making it a versatile addition to your vehicle. Whether you're navigating through tight spaces or backing up in a cro...
不务正业的旅行车(上)——SAAB 9-2X & Subaru Legacy Wagon 旅行车对于国人来讲,就是一种全新的生活姿态,不过在这种概念还没有被更多人接受的时候,却冒出来很小一部分先驱者,他们非但完全认可这种生活姿态,而且还对此进行了进一... 靳轲 - 《音响改装技术》...
Subaru将此系统搭载在手动版本的Legacy,Impreza和Forester上。该系统使用了锥齿轮型的中央差速器和粘性耦合式LSD。正常情况下,这套系统以50:50的比例,将扭矩分配给前后车轮。 而一旦发生轮胎打滑的情况,这种四驱系统的差速锁会用纯机械的方式感应到,打滑车轮与抓地车轮间的轮速差可以促使中差工作,最多可以把80%的扭...