1552-build-an-array-with-stack-operations 1553-count-triplets-that-can-form-two-arrays-of-equal-xor 1568-pseudo-palindromic-paths-in-a-binary-tree 1569-max-dot-product-of-two-subsequences 1584-min-cost-to-connect-all-points 1586-longest-subarray-of-1s-after-deleting-one-element 1604-least-num...
// Simple Java program to compute sum of // subarray elements classGFG { // Computes sum all sub-array publicstaticlongSubArraySum(intarr[],intn) { longresult = 0; // Pick starting point for(inti = 0; i < n; i ++) { // Pick ending point for(intj = i; j < n; j ++) {...
Source:https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/minimum-number-of-operations-to-convert-array-a-to-array-b-by-adding-an-integer-into-a-subarray/ PS: I came across this problem on gfg, but then realised that their solution isWrong. It fails on the following case: A = {0, 0, 0}, B = {1, ...
An example test case would be : K=110a=[20,-10,50,60,-1000] The same two pointer idea you mentioned is written on GFG (here) and it fails on the above case. Is there a way to do this in O(n) time and O(1) auxiliary space ? Complexity of the solution isO(N*log(N)) For...