subtituerede aminoalkanoylaminoalkylphosphonater with inhibitory effect on angiotensinomdannende enzyme and their use in medicinesCompounds of the formula wherein X is various amino or imino acids and esters are disclosed. These compounds are useful as anti-hypertensive agents due to their ...
[1] Two sediment cores from the western Arabian Sea, NIOP905 and 74KL, were analyzed to determine sea surface temperature (SST) variations over the last 23 kyr. Two organic molecular SST proxies were used, the well-established U<sub>37</sub><sup>K′</sup> based on long-chain unsaturate...
mixed oxides (Th<sub>x</sub>U<sub>1 –x</sub>)O<sub>2</sub> with x= 0.7, 0.85 and 0.92 and (Pu<sub>0.2</sub>U<sub>0.8</sub>)O<sub>1.97</sub> reveals a similar structure in the enthalpy data for the oxide (Th<sub>0.7</sub>U<sub>0.3</sub>)O<sub>2</sub> alone....
"U.S. Feminism--Grrrl Style!: Youth (Sub)Cultures and the Technologies of the Third Wave." Feminist Studies, Spring 2000, 141-170.Garrison, E. K. (2000). US feminism-grrrl style!: Youth (sub)cultures and the tech- nologics of the third wave. Feminist Studies, 26(1), 141-170....
Anodic dissolution of Mo, U3Si, and UMo in dry acetonitrile containing 0.1 M (C2H5)4 NCl and in anhydrous and 96% ethanol containing 0.1 M LiCl was studied under potentiostatic conditions. The oxidation potentials of the U and Mo alloys were determined. Anodic d...
-adrenoceptor antagonists, naftopidil and tamsulosin hydrochloride, in the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms with benign prostatic hyperplasia: a randomized crossover study doi:10.1111/j.1464-410X.2006.06030.xADRENERGIC receptorsPROSTATE hypertrophyHYPERPLASIAFLOW m...
Concentra- tion-Discharge Relationships in the Coal Mined Region of the New River Basin and Indian Fork Sub-Basin, Tennessee, USA. Hydrological Processes 28:718-728.Murphy, J. C.; Hornberger, G. M.; Liddle, R. G. Concentration- discharge relationships in the coalmined region of the New...
Effects of friction velocity (u*), wave age (c/sub o//u*), and significant wave height (H/sub 1/3/) on ocean backscatter are studied. The backscatter shows a good positive sensitivity to u*, an inverse dependence on c/sub o//u*, and no systematic trend with H/sub 1/3/ ...
Classification of differential calculi on U[sub q](b[sub +]), classical limits, and duality.Gives a complete classification of bicovariant first order differential calculi on the quantum enveloping algebra, which is viewed as the quantum function algebra. One-to-one correspondence in the finite ...
Donohue, Laura, High Technology, Consumer Privacy, and U.S. National Security: Hearing Before the Subcomm. On Commerce, Manufacturing, and Trade of the H. Comm. On Energy and Commerce, 113th Cong., September 17, 2014 (Remarks by Professor Laura K. Donohue, Geo. U. L. Center) (Septemb...