sub_image (Image, Image1, ImageSub,1,0)*图像相减*sub_image(ImageMinuend , ImageSubtrahend , ImageSub, Mult , Add)*第一个参数是被减图像,第二个参数是减数图像,第三个参数是结果图像,第四个参数是乘数因子,第五个参数是补充值*算子可以用以下计算式子表达:* ImageSub =( ImageMinuend - ImageSub...
2.sub_image算子是灰度值相减,计算对象是两幅图像,主要检测图像区别,和形状没有多大关系; g' = (ga - gb) * Mult + Add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 dev_update_off () dev_close_window () read_image (blackImage,'E:/myhalcon/black.bmp') read_image (gra...
halcon-sub_image图像相减 在HDevelop中 2.png 3.png read_image (Image, 'D:/bb/tu/2.png') read_image (Image1, 'D:/bb/tu/3.png') sub_image (Image, Image1, ImageSub, 1, 0) *图像相减 * sub_image(ImageMinuend , ImageSubtrahend , ImageSub, Mult , Add) *第一个参数是被减图像,...
sub_image— Subtract two images. Signature sub_image(ImageMinuend,ImageSubtrahend:ImageSub:Mult,Add: ) Description The operatorsub_imagesubtracts two images. The gray values (g1,g2) of the input images (ImageMinuendandImageSubtrahend) are transformed as follows: ...
Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Networks 2019-12-19 19:21 − Abstract: 无监督图像到图像的翻译目的是学习不同域图像的一个联合分布,通过使用来自单独域图像的边缘分布。给定一个边缘分布,可以得到很多种联合分布。如果不加入额外的假设条件的话,从边缘分布无法推出联合分布。为了解决这个问题,作者提出了...
abs_diff_image算子能够得到两幅图像相减后的结果图,其结果是以绝对值的方式呈现。主要用于计算两幅图像的差异,可用于和图片的对比测试。 abs_diff_image(Image1,Image2:ImageAbsDiff:Mult: )Image1,Image2是输入图像 ImageAbsDiff是相减后的结果,是输出图像 ...
sub_imagecan be executed on an OpenCL device for byte, int1, int2, uint2, int4, real, direction, cyclic, and complex images. However, since for OpenCL 1.0 only single precision floating point is supported for all devices, and not all rounding modes are supported, the OpenCL implementati...
2.sub_image算子是灰度值相减,计算对象是两幅图像,主要检测图像区别,和形状没有多大关系; g' = (ga - gb) * Mult + Add 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 dev_update_off () dev_close_window () read_image (blackImage,'E:/myhalcon/black.bmp') ...
输入参数拿来减的图片、 输出参数结果图片、 输入矫正因子 -255.0 ≤ Mult ≤ 255.0、 输入矫正值 -512.0 ≤ Add ≤ 512.0 描述: 输入图片g1和g2相减后,得到的图片的灰度值按以下公式计算: 计算得出的值如果发生溢出或者下溢,这个值会被舍弃,当然如果是矢量图片或者周期图片则不会被舍弃; ...
sub_imagecan be executed on an OpenCL device for byte, int1, int2, uint2, int4, real, direction, cyclic, and complex images. However, since for OpenCL 1.0 only single precision floating point is supported for all devices, and not all rounding modes are supported, the OpenCL implementati...