商品品牌:jl 价格请来电商议 商品点击数:25464 简单描述:全新 联系人:王啊石 13719161751(微信同号) 联系地址:广东省东莞市万江区万龙路189号 博华音响 JL Audio Fathom f113 V1 13.5" Powered Subwofer; Gloss Black; F-113 全新,13.5寸黑色 ...
(1998). An investigation of the impact of bio- control Pseudomonas Fluorescens F113 on the growth of sugar beet and the performance of subsequent clover-Rhizobium symbiosis. Appl. Soil. Ecol. 7: 225-237.Moënne-Loccoz Y, Powell J, Higgins P, McCarthy J, O'Gara F. An investigation of...
Here we report the synthesis of hexagonal ZrS<sub>2</sub> monolayer and few layers on hexagonal boron nitride (BN) using ZrCl<sub>4</sub> and S as precursors. The domain size of ZrS<sub>2</sub> hexagons is around 1–3 μm. The number of layers of ZrS<sub>2</sub> was ...
It has been found that a C1<SUB>b</SUB> type alloy exsists near the stoichiometric composition in the Rh-Mn-Sb system. Rh<SUB>0.90</SUB>Mn<SUB>1.20</SUB>Sb<SUB>0.90</SUB> and Rh<SUB>1.10</SUB>Mn<SUB>1.10</SUB>Sb<SUB>0.80</SUB> alloys with a crystal structure of the C1<...
人物简介: 张纪鹏, 担任西盟榕树园养殖场 等法定代表人, 担任西盟榕树园养殖场 等股东, 担任西盟榕树园养殖场等高管。 更新时间:2021-08-11个人图谱 查看大图 张纪鹏高管-西盟榕树园养殖场其他人员张纪鹏法定代表人-西盟榕树园养殖场股东-西盟榕树园养殖场 以上数据根据互联网公开信息整合而成,该结果仅供参考。...
立即试用 批发奶瓶 批发奶瓶,作为婴幼儿用品市场中的重要组成部分,其产品质量与安全标准是商家必须严格遵守的核心原则 用友软件可以有效管理库存,确保每一批次奶瓶的质量追溯 同时,畅捷通系统在订单处理上有着高效的表现,能够帮助批发商快速响应市场需求,提升客户满意度 ...
PURPOSE: To enhance operational efficiency by providing a drill head base freely slidable in the perpendicular direction on a carriage which freely travels on a guide cell, and juxtaposing a drill head and a sub-clamp on the drill head base. CONSTITUTION: A drill head 4 and a sub-clamp 4'...
In [3], the inversion of an integral operator of potential type with constant characteristic generated by the many-dimensional generalized shift was obtained. In this paper, the author obtains a generalization of the results from [3] to the case of a shift of mixed type, i.e., on a part...
Advanced reservoir characterization and evaluation of CO{sub 2} gravity drainage in the naturally fractured Spraberry Trend Area. First annual technical pr... The overall goal of this project is to assess the economic feasibility of CO{sub 2} flooding the naturally fractured Spraberry Trend Area ...