网络释义 1. 奈米级 结果显示,单独以薄膜过滤颗粒,UF薄膜过滤效果优於MF;过滤近奈米级(sub-nano)颗粒(75 ± 5 nm)之通量比优於过滤次微米 …|基于 1 个网页
sub-nano这种表述不常见 1105806021 sub是次的意思,sub-nano应该是不到纳米的尺寸,所以应该是sub-nano尺寸更大 gregory008 sub是次的意思,楼上正解 papaverme sub后接度量单位,一般翻译成“亚”,指比该单位跟小的量级。例如现在比较热门的 sub-angstrom(亚埃)这词就是指数十皮米的尺度。 woodkeeper sub是次,...
Subnano 轮廓仪 NanoX-2000/3000系列、3D光学干涉轮廓仪建立在移相干涉测量(PSI)、白光垂直扫描干涉测量(VSI)和单色光垂直扫描干涉测量(CSI)等技术的基础上,以其纳米级测量准确度和重复性(稳定性)定量地反映出被测件的表面粗糙度、表面轮廓、台阶高度、关键部位的尺寸及其形貌特征等。广泛应用于集成电路制造...
Here we report that a sensitivity of 0.5nT/ |$\\sqrt{m Hz}$| at the nanoscale is achieved experimentally by using nitrogen-vacancy defects in diamond with depths of tens of nanometers. The achieved sensitivity is substantially enhanced by integrating with multiple quantum techn...
Sub-nano-molar网络纳摩尔网络释义 1. 纳摩尔 ×亚纳摩尔(Sub nano-molar)检测极限× 特殊外膜,可以耐受多次插入使用 × 非常稳定,低背景电流 2 to 4 pA/nMTypical 3 p…|基于2个网页© 2025 Microsoft 隐私声明和 Cookie 法律声明 广告 帮助 反馈...
thereby slowing the growth of nucleated silicon via Si–C bond formation, but also acts as a source to create the dual matrix. The subnano-sized silicon anode enhances the cycling stability (Coulombic efficiency reaching 99.96% over 50 cycles). Finally, the practical application of the fabricated...
subnano second-emitter coupled logic 亚毫微秒射极耦合逻辑相关短语 logic swing (逻辑1与0之间的电压差) 逻辑幅度 internal graticule (阴极射线管的) 内标度 ambient light filter (阴极射线管) 保护滤光器 milligram hour (每小时每毫克镭) 放射性照射量 ten pounder (70 毫米) 十磅炮 jump second (每隔一...
英文名称:Sub-nano calcium carbonate 英文同义词: CAS号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS号: 信息错误报告 您的Email: 按国家浏览Sub-nano calcium carbonate国外供应商中国供应商 Sub-nano calcium carbonate推荐供应商 建议您优先选择企业会员,我们对企业会员产品有严格审核。
However, it is still challenging to realize subnano-sized particles (<1nm). Here we show a growth inhibition mechanism that prevents continuous enlargement of size immediately after nucleation during chemical vapour deposition. The growth inhibition is successfully applied to the synthesis of silicon,...