D. Bowen, "Sub-millimolar concentration of the novel phenol- based compound, 2-hydroxy benzoate zinc, induces apoptosis in human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells," Cell Proliferation, vol. 43, no. 1, pp. 95-102, 2010.Mahdi JG, Pepper CJ, Alkarrawi MA, Mahdi AJ, Bowen ID. Sub-millimolar ...
Sub-millimolar concentration of the novel phenol-based compound, 2-hydroxy benzoate zinc, induces apoptosis in human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells. Cell Prolif. 2010; 43: 95-102.J. G. Mahdi, C. J. Pepper, M. A. Alkarrawi, A. J. Mahdi, and I. D. Bowen, "Sub-millimolar concentration ...
Determination of submillimolar concentration of ferrate(VI) in alkaline solutions by amperometric titra tion [Text] / D. Golovko, V. Sharma, O. Pavlova, E. Belya novskaya, I. Golovko, V. Suprunovich, R. Zboril // Open Chemistry. - 2011. ...
Given the uncertainty, we study the range of conditions (unswollen at high divalent salt concentration to swollen at essentially zero divalent salt) that effectively bracket the correct mechanical p...Dobi A, Agoston D: Submillimolar levels of calcium regulates DNA structure at the dinucleotide ...