Compact City ModelNigeriaSub-Saharan AfricaUrban CompactnessUrban Development PolicyThe objective of this study is to review the appropriateness of the Compact City model as an urban development policy in promoting sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) cities. The case study method was adopted ...
A Panel Threshold Model of Tourism Specialization and Economic Development Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East and North Africa, North America, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, over the... CL Chang,T Khamkaew,M Mcaleer,... - 《International Journal of...
The recent increase in user-generated content and social media adoption in developing countries offers an unprecedented opportunity to better understand the accessibility and spatial distribution of financial services in sub-Saharan Africa. Financial inclusion has been identified as a priority by multiple ...
Results from a world health organization pilot of the basic emergency care course in sub Saharan Africa PLoS ONE, 14 (11) (2019), pp. 15-16 Google Scholar [16] Galon-Negru Alina Giorgiana, Olariu Romeo Iulian, Arsene Cecilia Size-resolved measurements of PM2.5 water-soluble elements in Iasi...
(2011), we conclude one model is better than another if the AIC difference between the models is larger than nine. As population estimates are not available on the subnational level and our goal is not necessarily to draw conclusions about the average sub-Saharan African case, we do not age...
Operators in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) led in terms of number of 5G networks launched in the second half of 2023. The region recorded a total of 18 launches in 13 countries in 2023, doubling the region’s launch figures of 2022. Emerging Asia–Pacific (EMAP) recorded the second most 5G...
371–397; KristinMann,Slaveryand theBirth ofan AfricanCity,Lagos 1760–1900(BloomingtonandIndianapolis,2007); Marcia Wright,“WomeninPeril”,AfricanSocialResearch,20(1975), pp.800–819.2.3.Sub-saharanAfrica65 ducefromthepeasantryasdidthearistocracy.¹²Commerceand craft workwasoftencarriedon by ...
Birth weight significantly determines newborns immediate and future health. Globally, the incidence of both low birth weight (LBW) and macrosomia have increased dramatically including sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. However, there is limited study o
Unlike the majority of their sub-Saharan African counterparts, South Africa's towercos tend to operate a steel and grass model more akin to the developed markets of Europe and the U.S. with power managed as a pass through. However, the deal struck by MTN to have IHS Towers manage power...
To present a holistic argument, the present study examines the roles of informalities in advancing the sustainable city agenda in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) by using the sustainable development prism as the analytical framework. A Boolean search methodology was adopted to obtain relevant literature ...