Sub-Saharan Africa, the region in Africa that lies south of the Sahara desert. The term is often used to label the countries of that region and its environs, even those that contain part of the desert within their borders.
Map of districts within Uganda and sub-counties within Kalungu District.Johanna, RihaAlex, KarabarindeGerald, SsenyomoSteven, AllenderGershim, AsikiAnatoli, KamaliElizabeth, H. YoungManjinder, S. SandhuJanet, Seeley
According to the WB classification criteria for countries and regions, there are 47 countries/territories in sub-Saharan Africa. OHIZ was analyzed for all sub-Sahara African countries (n = 47). Criteria of data of the same indicators from three similar countries were used to exclude biased...
An inadequate understanding of the energy needs of forcibly displaced populations is one of the main obstacles in providing sustainable and reliable energy to refugees and their host communities. Here, we provide a first-order assessment of the main factors determining the decision to deploy fully re...
dependency ratios are often highly heterogeneous between and within countries. Assessments of subnational dependency ratio and age structure patterns have been undertaken for specific countries and across high income regions, but to a lesser extent across the low income regions. In the framework of the...
In a very recent study, we developed an evaluation system for OH performance through the global OH index (GOHI). This study applied the GOHI to evaluate OH performance for zoonoses in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods:The framework for the OH index on zoonoses (OHIZ) was constructed including five...
The studies reviewed were from 10 sub-Saharan African countries and 7/19 of the studies (37%) were conducted in Uganda. Seven studies (37%) focused on Schistosoma mansoni, 6/19 (31.5%) on S. haematobium and another 6 on mixed infection. A single standard dose of 40 mg/kg body ...
Child and adolescent mental health is a global priority. In sub-Saharan Africa, despite the high burden, there is a gap in health services for children and adolescents with mental health disorders. To bridge this gap, healthcare workers require a good un
whereas local hydrogeology influences the type and sensitivity of precipitation–recharge relationships. Recharge in some humid locations varies by as little as five per cent (by coefficient of variation) across a wide range of annual precipitation values. Other regions, by contrast, show roughly linea...
separate models were fitted for each of the four regions (Extended Data Fig.7). From each fitted model, we generated 1,000 draws from the approximated joint posterior distribution of all model parameters and used these to construct 1,000 draws ofpi,t, settingIANCto 0. Fivefold cross-validat...